Kaneel / Lackluster

Kaneel / Lackluster Split Ep: Headphone Commute Sound Bytes Review
And finally, before I sign off from this installment of Sound Bytes full of amazing music for your enjoyment (I hope you agree), here’s a short but sweet, 4-track split EP from Kaneel and Lackluster. Awkward Silence Recordings is a small independent label based in Kent (south-east of England), releasing mostly on 3″ CDs, short-run vinyl, and now digitally via bandcamp and bleep. The label has put out splits from many makers and breakers of the IDM genre, including Arovane, Accelera Deck, ISAN, Christian Kleine, Lilienthal, Lowfish, Lusine ICL, Maps and Diagrams, Skanfrom, Yellow6 and many others. For their 33rd release, Awkward Silence compiles two tracks from Guillaume “Kaneel” Richard (see his album I’ve Sketched It A While Ago on Apegenine) and Esa Juhani Ruoho, also known as Lackluster (see his many releases on Monotonik, Psychonavigation, Kahvi Collective, U-Cover and of course, Merck). The 3″ split continues to evolve on the favorite formula behind so many early IDM releases from the beloved Merck, that cranium pleasuring brain dance that since has settled down a bit and turned into a cerebral mind meditation. There’s still plenty of elements to tickle your ear drum, and hopefully get your clicker over to the bandcamp to purchase the split. I really miss music like this… and I want MORE!